What is the big deal with John Roberts?
All across this nation, the “conservative” organizations are giving John Roberts HUGE amounts of backing. My question is “why?”! What has this man done to prove himself a friend of liberty? I do know one thing he said….. “Roe V. Wade is the settled law of the land….”. He went on to say that there is nothing in his personal beliefs that would prevent him from enforcing it. Is this a conservative constitutionalist? I think not. He obviously can’t read the Constitution where it states that congress is the only branch of government that can “legislate”.
He also called us a “Constitutional democracy” twice in the speech at his nomination. We are not a democracy! We are a Republic. Read the Constitution Roberts and Bush!
He also called us a “Constitutional democracy” twice in the speech at his nomination. We are not a democracy! We are a Republic. Read the Constitution Roberts and Bush!
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Floor cleaning, music, building online wealth...ah, those blog bots. :)
Roberts appears to be so "mild" about interpreting the Constitution that he won't take a stand against wrong interpretation (and legislation by the Court); in other words, he likely is too spineless to point out wrong precedent - and furthermore, he doesn't seem to have enough knowledge of the Constitution to recognize what precedent has been Constitutional and what has not.
Why are many "conservatives" applauding Roberts? They seem to think that he is a wonderful choice, a man who won't "interpret" the Constitution but will let it speak for itself -- when actually he is probably a man who won't even apply the Constitution. Roe v. Wade is a prime example of mis-interpretation and twisting of the Constitution -- for Roberts to show any support for it, in any way, is inexcusable.
By the way, nice photo there, Eli...but I don't really think it looks like you :D
I know...He is just my hero.... ;)
Don't get me started on this, as Marcus could tell you,
"Heroes" can be wrong you know...
(I'm also supposed to be in prison, according to Marcus, but things just never go as planned...)
Yes, I will be nice now and use my real name.
Heroes CAN be wrong! Robert E. Lee wasn't. At least not bad enough to put him down for. ;)
Seth, Thanks for using the real name. :)
I would be interested in getting to hear your thoughts on the matter though... I know there is much debate involved with the issue of the "War of Northern Aggression" (Yes you can tell what side I am on ;))
By the way....E.Jones is now "The Statesman". Don't be confused. :D
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