Does CHRISTmas make you afraid?
I would like to take the time to discuss a topic I have not yet spoken much on. The topic is one that most people are afraid to think about. Yes, they are afraid. The question would then be raised, “why are they afraid?” This question is answered in my mind, but is ignored in the mind of the average person. The topic I want to discuss is about the spiritual world, life after death, and eternal judgment. Did you just feel it—the urge to stop reading this post? Why? What is so bad about thinking about our eternal state? To answer this I will turn to simple reasoning (though it is fallible, it can answer many questions). There can only be two real reasons why you would want to stop reading this post. The first one would be that you don’t believe in what I am writing about. This is a “good” reason to reject my post. But why then is there a panic on most people’s faces when I bring the topic up? It almost appears that I have lit a fire under them and they must move NOW! A desire to move NOW and stop talking or reading NOW is a sign of fear rather than a sign that you would rather discuss something else. For it is true that we do not agree with everything in the local newspaper yet we read it anyway. Why is this? It is because that man wants to look into the opinions of other men. Stopping to read this post because it is “religious” doesn’t hold water. If we acted that way, we couldn’t talk to anyone for they may say that it is beautiful outside and we disagree. No, this is not the reason for the desire to “run” from religion (mainly Christian religion). The only other reason I could really think of is that the person KNOWS that what he is hearing could be (or is) the truth, and they then run in fear of having to think of something they do not wish to think on. For indeed, thinking about death and Hell is not on the world’s “top 10” list of pleasant things to think about. This reason I cling to as the answer for the mystery. So I challenge you today, read this entire post! For if you do not believe what I am saying, then it shouldn’t hurt you to read it. Besides, it is “Empty babbling of The Statesman. What does he know?” But, if you do think there is a chance of this being true, then you should read it just for that reason. Don’t run! Face your fear of truth!
So here we go! We are going to dive into the topic of the “spiritual world”. In recent years man has tried to escape the fear of the truth by creating a new religion called “evolution”. There is more faith required to believe in evolution than to believe one word of the Bible. That is the truth. Again, it is something we must admit. There is NO WAY man could have “evolved” from scum. This goes against the very laws of science! Nothing goes from disorder to order! NOTHING!!! This is simple science. You learned this stuff in elementary school. Entropy, Thermodynamics, and common sense tell you that evolution is an impossibility. Yet man still clings to that faint hope that there is no God and that He does not govern in the affairs of men. And as I said before, they do this out of fear (fear of God and His punishment etc.). They do not want to face the truth when they die. But, even these “atheists” are religious. For “religion” (beliefs about God/gods) is nothing more than the “spiritual” belief man has (whether it be for or against a “higher power”. There is true and false religion. For not all can be true.
Before I move on I want to show the main error in “atheism”. That is the idea of absolutes. I will put it simply… If there is no God, there are no absolutes. If there are no absolutes than the “word” and opinion of the majority will always rule in matters of morality. This means that if the majority of the country voted that you no longer have a “right to life” then you don’t. Remember that rights are only rights if God gives them. The Declaration of Independence states that, “…we have been endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights…” Our rights come from our Creator. This is the fallacy of evolution. If evolution was true, there is no need for law and morality. This goes against the very nature of man.
If there then are absolutes and rights then there must be a Creator to institute these things among men. There must be a “higher power” that governs in the affairs of men. Seeing then that this is the only reasonable conclusion we can come to we must conclude which religion is right in the thousands that exist. This stumps some people and puts them in a quandary of which they never escape. If you are one of those people, then prepare to be jerked forth from your box of confusion!!! The most logical conclusion to deduce which religion is correct is the one that is accurate 100% of the time. This should be easy. The Bible itself demands a 100% perfection rate in every prophecy. This is a high standard that other religions compromise on. Actually, every religion except the “Christian” religion has failed the 100% percent accurate rule! If you haven’t already figured out what I believe it is my error that I haven’t clearly stated it earlier. I follow Jesus Christ—the God of the Bible. Why do I follow Him? It is clearly a matter of facts and evidence. Allow me to quote something from the Bible that is proof positive that the Bible is accurate. “God commands all men everywhere to repent for He has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by the man whom He has appointed (Jesus Christ) furnishing PROOF to all men BY RAISING HIM FROM THE DEAD!” What more evidence can a man want? Jesus Christ has abolished death! He is the One who has overcome the one thing that is the end to all mortal men-- the grave.
Having laid down the proof positive evidence for the authority of the Bible, we must then understand why Christ died. The reason is clear in the Bible. The Bible says that the “wages of sin is death”. The penalty for sinning (breaking the law of God) is death. Yes, God has a law. We must obey that law. It is the ultimate “absolute”. Do we as mankind break God’s law? Well for that we must look at God’s law and examine ourselves. The Ten Commandments sum up the whole of the law in ten clear commands. Christ summed up these Ten Commandments in two decisive commands. But we will look at the Ten Commandments to give us a little detail to go by. The 9th commandment states “Thou shall not not lie”. Have you ever told a lie (half-truth or an exaggeration)? The 8th commandment says, “Thou shall not steal”. Have you ever stolen something before (the value is irrelevant)? The 7th commandment says, “Thou shall not commit adultery”. Jesus said, “he who looks upon a women to lust after her has committed adultery already with her in her heart.” Have you ever looked with lust (God sees your thoughts)? If you have broken these laws you are a lying, thieving adulterer at heart. And that is only three of the Ten Commandments. The Bible says that all liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire. It also says no thief or adulterer will have part in the kingdom of Heaven. Why is this? It is because that God is just and that when we break His law there is a penalty. That penalty is Hell. “That isn’t fair!” you say. Who are you O man who answers back to God? Will the thing molded say to the molder “why have you made me like this”? God will have mercy on whom He will have mercy! He has written His law upon our hearts (that is your conscience). Conscience comes from two words Con means with; Science means knowledge. If we break that law God has an obligation to punish us. If He didn’t punish us He would be an unjust judge. Are things coming into focus now? Are you beginning to see the big picture? The Bible says that God has appointed a day He will judge the world in righteousness. Will you be innocent or guilty on that “Day of Judgment”? Will you go to Heaven or Hell? This is serious stuff here. For there is nothing more important than your eternal salvation! Think about it. If I am wrong, then I get to die like everybody else. If you are wrong, then you get to face a God on the Day of Judgment that will enforce the punishment for breaking His law. This penalty is eternal death in the Lake of Fire.
There it was! Was it painful to read? It should be. It should cut you to the quick to know that you are in violation of the law of God and must face that God on the Day of Judgment. Knowing what I have written makes it appear that there is no hope. But, if you haven’t forgot, I started talking about the law of God to explain why Christ died. The Bible says that He was bruised for our iniquities (sin). If we repent and put our trust in Jesus, the Bible says that we will pass from death into life. The wages of sin is death! Christ paid that fine! If you repent and trust Him He will save you from Hell and take you to heaven when you die! This is the most wonderful message in the world. That is why I am writing about it. I don’t want to waste your time with nonsense. So I urge you, now is the time for salvation. Now is the time to call upon God for help! He is ready to hear your cry. For whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Read the book of John in the New Testament to understand more of why Christ came and how you can be saved.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16
The Statesman
The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us
The Son of God (Jesus Christ) became man
The LORD of all became a Servant
The Righteous One was made sin
The Eternal One tasted death
The Risen One now lives in men
The Seated One is coming again
So here we go! We are going to dive into the topic of the “spiritual world”. In recent years man has tried to escape the fear of the truth by creating a new religion called “evolution”. There is more faith required to believe in evolution than to believe one word of the Bible. That is the truth. Again, it is something we must admit. There is NO WAY man could have “evolved” from scum. This goes against the very laws of science! Nothing goes from disorder to order! NOTHING!!! This is simple science. You learned this stuff in elementary school. Entropy, Thermodynamics, and common sense tell you that evolution is an impossibility. Yet man still clings to that faint hope that there is no God and that He does not govern in the affairs of men. And as I said before, they do this out of fear (fear of God and His punishment etc.). They do not want to face the truth when they die. But, even these “atheists” are religious. For “religion” (beliefs about God/gods) is nothing more than the “spiritual” belief man has (whether it be for or against a “higher power”. There is true and false religion. For not all can be true.
Before I move on I want to show the main error in “atheism”. That is the idea of absolutes. I will put it simply… If there is no God, there are no absolutes. If there are no absolutes than the “word” and opinion of the majority will always rule in matters of morality. This means that if the majority of the country voted that you no longer have a “right to life” then you don’t. Remember that rights are only rights if God gives them. The Declaration of Independence states that, “…we have been endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights…” Our rights come from our Creator. This is the fallacy of evolution. If evolution was true, there is no need for law and morality. This goes against the very nature of man.
If there then are absolutes and rights then there must be a Creator to institute these things among men. There must be a “higher power” that governs in the affairs of men. Seeing then that this is the only reasonable conclusion we can come to we must conclude which religion is right in the thousands that exist. This stumps some people and puts them in a quandary of which they never escape. If you are one of those people, then prepare to be jerked forth from your box of confusion!!! The most logical conclusion to deduce which religion is correct is the one that is accurate 100% of the time. This should be easy. The Bible itself demands a 100% perfection rate in every prophecy. This is a high standard that other religions compromise on. Actually, every religion except the “Christian” religion has failed the 100% percent accurate rule! If you haven’t already figured out what I believe it is my error that I haven’t clearly stated it earlier. I follow Jesus Christ—the God of the Bible. Why do I follow Him? It is clearly a matter of facts and evidence. Allow me to quote something from the Bible that is proof positive that the Bible is accurate. “God commands all men everywhere to repent for He has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by the man whom He has appointed (Jesus Christ) furnishing PROOF to all men BY RAISING HIM FROM THE DEAD!” What more evidence can a man want? Jesus Christ has abolished death! He is the One who has overcome the one thing that is the end to all mortal men-- the grave.
Having laid down the proof positive evidence for the authority of the Bible, we must then understand why Christ died. The reason is clear in the Bible. The Bible says that the “wages of sin is death”. The penalty for sinning (breaking the law of God) is death. Yes, God has a law. We must obey that law. It is the ultimate “absolute”. Do we as mankind break God’s law? Well for that we must look at God’s law and examine ourselves. The Ten Commandments sum up the whole of the law in ten clear commands. Christ summed up these Ten Commandments in two decisive commands. But we will look at the Ten Commandments to give us a little detail to go by. The 9th commandment states “Thou shall not not lie”. Have you ever told a lie (half-truth or an exaggeration)? The 8th commandment says, “Thou shall not steal”. Have you ever stolen something before (the value is irrelevant)? The 7th commandment says, “Thou shall not commit adultery”. Jesus said, “he who looks upon a women to lust after her has committed adultery already with her in her heart.” Have you ever looked with lust (God sees your thoughts)? If you have broken these laws you are a lying, thieving adulterer at heart. And that is only three of the Ten Commandments. The Bible says that all liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire. It also says no thief or adulterer will have part in the kingdom of Heaven. Why is this? It is because that God is just and that when we break His law there is a penalty. That penalty is Hell. “That isn’t fair!” you say. Who are you O man who answers back to God? Will the thing molded say to the molder “why have you made me like this”? God will have mercy on whom He will have mercy! He has written His law upon our hearts (that is your conscience). Conscience comes from two words Con means with; Science means knowledge. If we break that law God has an obligation to punish us. If He didn’t punish us He would be an unjust judge. Are things coming into focus now? Are you beginning to see the big picture? The Bible says that God has appointed a day He will judge the world in righteousness. Will you be innocent or guilty on that “Day of Judgment”? Will you go to Heaven or Hell? This is serious stuff here. For there is nothing more important than your eternal salvation! Think about it. If I am wrong, then I get to die like everybody else. If you are wrong, then you get to face a God on the Day of Judgment that will enforce the punishment for breaking His law. This penalty is eternal death in the Lake of Fire.
There it was! Was it painful to read? It should be. It should cut you to the quick to know that you are in violation of the law of God and must face that God on the Day of Judgment. Knowing what I have written makes it appear that there is no hope. But, if you haven’t forgot, I started talking about the law of God to explain why Christ died. The Bible says that He was bruised for our iniquities (sin). If we repent and put our trust in Jesus, the Bible says that we will pass from death into life. The wages of sin is death! Christ paid that fine! If you repent and trust Him He will save you from Hell and take you to heaven when you die! This is the most wonderful message in the world. That is why I am writing about it. I don’t want to waste your time with nonsense. So I urge you, now is the time for salvation. Now is the time to call upon God for help! He is ready to hear your cry. For whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Read the book of John in the New Testament to understand more of why Christ came and how you can be saved.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever would believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.” – John 3:16
The Statesman
The Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us
The Son of God (Jesus Christ) became man
The LORD of all became a Servant
The Righteous One was made sin
The Eternal One tasted death
The Risen One now lives in men
The Seated One is coming again
I am glad to see you all have had fun debating eachother. I love being able to bring up hot topics. I am sure this post will be another hot topic (if you readers don't run in fear of it). ;)
To any and all other readers:
Please pay attention to what the Statesman wrote!!! The message there is the most important one you will ever read!! I know, because I am a sinner, condemned to eternal death by God's law, but one who has been saved by Jesus Christ! He is now the reason I live.
I'm offended that you wished me a Merry Christmas.
You should say "Merry religious holiday of your preference."
This is a completely non-offensive way to communicate with those who do not think as you do.
I merely ask that you be tolerant of other people, instead of forcing your religion on me.
Archon Seth
P.S. Obviously, I'm kidding.
Doesn't it sound stupid though?
Happy Holidays. :D
Marcus Harp
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