The Statesman's Virtual HQ

The HQ of The Statesman in the virtual world of the internet...

Location: Richmond area, Virginia, United States

Eli Jones is a graduate of the Oak Brook College of Law paralegal program. He ran for Board of Supervisors for his county at the age of 18. He became a police officer for the Commonwealth of Virginia Capitol Police, and later left this career path to be with his family. He taught government at the Chesterfield Christian Academy last school year and now owns his own business in the Richmond area.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Great Websites.....

Here are some of my favorite (and/or just plain good) websites....

The Great News Network

Living Waters Ministry

Gun Owners of America

Evangelism Encycopedia

Star Marine HQ

The Light of This Night

Constitution Party National Web Site

Michael Peroutka for President

Answers in Genesis

The Vision Forum Inc.

Patriarch Magazine

Smith & Wesson


Dr. Edwin Vieira



The Pocket Testament League


BBN News

I have these websites up here because I either support the person who makes the website or some (not necessarily all) of the content on the websites. My opinions may vary on different issues and topics expressed on these websites. If you have a question as to my view, ask, and I shall tell.

More may come, but until then, I am,

The Statesman


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You call Star Marine HQ good?
Why, thank you, I am flattered. I write most of it myself.

9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All right, all right...
So I was lying.
So, "The South was Right"?
Now this will be a very fun discussion, and I would very much like to discuss it with you.
Sometime, I will get around to it.
Make a page about it or something.
Oh wait, you already are. My bad.
Prepare for the crushing grasp of reason!
(I would do my evil laugh, but it isn't in keeping with my Archon Seth character)

9:57 PM  
Blogger Eli Jones said...

Indeed, I will make a post about it, and will much enjoy discussing it with the great Archon Seth ;)

10:03 AM  

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