The Statesman's Virtual HQ

The HQ of The Statesman in the virtual world of the internet...

Location: Richmond area, Virginia, United States

Eli Jones is a graduate of the Oak Brook College of Law paralegal program. He ran for Board of Supervisors for his county at the age of 18. He became a police officer for the Commonwealth of Virginia Capitol Police, and later left this career path to be with his family. He taught government at the Chesterfield Christian Academy last school year and now owns his own business in the Richmond area.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Great Resources

You are about to be given access to The Statesman's list of resources. Do not take them with a grain of salt! If you order and watch and listen and read these resources your perspective of this world will be revolutionized into a Biblical and Constitutional worldview that will allow you to face the unconstitutional left with a bold face! Here is the list...


In the name of God, Amen
by: Daniel J. Ford

Christianity and the Constitution-- The faith of our Founding Fathers
by: John Eidsmoe

Law & Liberty
by: Rousas John Rushdoony

Original Intent
by: David Barton

God, Man, And Law: The Biblical Principles
Herbert W. Titus

The Institutes for Biblical Law
by: Rousas John Rushdoony


The Best of the Witherspoon School of Law and Public Policy
Taped and sold by the Vision Forum Ministries-


Institute on the Constitution
by: Dr. John Eidsmoe

Lastly, I would suggest you subscribe to my monthly e-newsletter-- Constitutional Courage. Just send an e-mail saying you want it to my e-mail address I provide in my Profile section of the blog. I will give you a free subscription upon request. You can't get any better than free!

Read, listen, watch and learn....

The Statesman


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. . .interesting. But things taste much better with salt ;) However, I would heartily second the recommendation of Constitutional Courage. (I am a bit. . .ah. . ."biased" perhaps though :D)


5:42 PM  
Blogger Archon Seth said...

Too busy to read anything except
"great literature"...

6:00 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

I can vouch for some of those resources.

10:50 PM  

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