The Statesman's Virtual HQ

The HQ of The Statesman in the virtual world of the internet...

Location: Richmond area, Virginia, United States

Eli Jones is a graduate of the Oak Brook College of Law paralegal program. He ran for Board of Supervisors for his county at the age of 18. He became a police officer for the Commonwealth of Virginia Capitol Police, and later left this career path to be with his family. He taught government at the Chesterfield Christian Academy last school year and now owns his own business in the Richmond area.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

My newest domain

I am taking over more places on the World Wide Web. My newest blog on the Xanga blog site is called The Statesman's Xanga Domain. I hope to reach more people with the truth found in the Constitution and the Truth- Jesus Christ written of in the Bible. I am not switching to the newest blog. This is still my virtual HQ. My Xanga site is just the latest site I am running. Enjoy--

The Statesman

Monday, February 13, 2006

A word on comments

It is my desire to welcome everyone who wishes to comment on this blog to do so. I am welcome to both comments of agreement and disagreement. I am also a believer in the right of people to say things without anyone being aware of who they are. But, because of a recent abuse of this "right" to comment anonymously I have had to change it so only people who are registered can comment. Do not think that I do not wish to hear your thoughts, I do! If you are not registered on blogger then feel free to e-mail me at the address provided in my profile. I love comments, but I will not tolerate abuse of the comment section.

So these are the rules, all comments are welcome if they are civil and non-vulgar and are not abusive of words. Those are the rules and they will be enforced!

The Statesman

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Great Resources

You are about to be given access to The Statesman's list of resources. Do not take them with a grain of salt! If you order and watch and listen and read these resources your perspective of this world will be revolutionized into a Biblical and Constitutional worldview that will allow you to face the unconstitutional left with a bold face! Here is the list...


In the name of God, Amen
by: Daniel J. Ford

Christianity and the Constitution-- The faith of our Founding Fathers
by: John Eidsmoe

Law & Liberty
by: Rousas John Rushdoony

Original Intent
by: David Barton

God, Man, And Law: The Biblical Principles
Herbert W. Titus

The Institutes for Biblical Law
by: Rousas John Rushdoony


The Best of the Witherspoon School of Law and Public Policy
Taped and sold by the Vision Forum Ministries-


Institute on the Constitution
by: Dr. John Eidsmoe

Lastly, I would suggest you subscribe to my monthly e-newsletter-- Constitutional Courage. Just send an e-mail saying you want it to my e-mail address I provide in my Profile section of the blog. I will give you a free subscription upon request. You can't get any better than free!

Read, listen, watch and learn....

The Statesman

Yes, I still exist... and am kicking.

Greetings to the readers of The Statesman's Virtual HQ.

The fears of the unconstitutional government leaders are once again reaffirmed. I am once again writing on my blog. I have not disappeared. As a matter of fact, I have been very active in a push for a Constitutional government. I have been working for a State Senator and am still writing an ever popular, growing by leaps and bounds, newsletter called Constitutional Courage. As best as I can, I am not giving the unconstitutional left any time to gain ground in the minds of the people of America. The left's fear of a mass Constitutional understanding in the minds of the people make them hate men like me, who spread the truth written in the Constitution into the homes of men and women across America. And they should fear! Fear the people, you unconstitutional government criminals! Fear the people, for they will be your undoing!

On another note, much as I expected, the comment section of my last post was nearly empty. People are either afraid or disgusted at that kind of topic, and it showed by the lack of comment. The slavery post on the other hand got large amounts of commenting. 'Tis sad that the very foundations of our government legal system are ignored, while millions tune in to watch the Super Bowl. I am ashamed of the apathy the American people show. As active as the founding fathers of this nation expected us to be, you would think we would at least know the names of our State Representatives and Senators! Have you ever been to the State House? Do you know your Senator and Delegate? Do you even vote? It is a sad nation we live in. I pray God brings us to the realization that our freedom is going to no longer exist if we stay in this state of apathy!

The Statesman